Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 2023-05-27

1. Introduction
Welcome to Bubble Cannon, developed by Oxente. We are committed to protecting user privacy and ensuring the security of your data.

2. Information Collection
We only collect analytics events such as game start, ad related events, screen transitions, etc.
We do not collect information related to your device or operating system.

3. Use of Information
The collected information is used to improve the game experience.
We do not share or disclose this information to any third parties, except as required by law.

4. Data Security
We protect user data using industry-standard measures. Users are responsible for protecting their own data, including maintaining the security of their passwords and personal information.

5. Data Retention
We retain analytics data only as long as necessary to improve the game. No other information is retained.

6. User Rights
As we do not store personal data, users have no personal data to delete. However, users have the right to delete any personal data we may store.

7. Children’s Privacy
Children are allowed to play the game. We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children.

8. Changes to the Privacy Policy
We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Significant changes will be communicated to users through appropriate channels.

9. Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us at:

Effective Date: 2023-05-27

Compliance with GDPR
We operate under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ensure that user data is handled in compliance with these regulations.